Foreign Trade Institute
· public body with the task of developing, facilitating and promoting Italy’s foreign economic and commercial relations, with particular attention to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and their consortiums and groupings; it drafts the Programme for Promotional Activities in close collaboration with the Ministry of Productive Activities;
· arranges for participation in international trade fairs and initiatives in order to develop contacts and business;
· organises and runs workshops and encounters between operators, conducts market research and develops communication initiatives;
· carries out activities aimed at attracting foreign investment to Italy through the promotion abroad by local development agencies of opportunities in specific areas and by carrying out communication actions in collaboration with Sviluppo Italia.
Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad
· association representing the needs and potential of the services of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE), and researches strategic collaborations and alliances with government and private actors – both Italian and international – in order to enhance familiarity with and use of the CCIE network;
· provides for the drafting of the Report on Business Opportunities, which illustrates the CCIE’s potential as supplier of information on business opportunities, on a sector-by-sector basis, in countries covered by the network;
· provides project and coordination assistance to the internationalisation services of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, in conjunction with the Unioncamere project;
Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Artisan Industry
· handles and represents the general interests of the Chambers of Commerce and is a point of reference for productive sectors both on national and international levels;
· promotes, creates and manages services and activities of interest to the Chambers of Commerce and some economic categories, either directly or through their own special agencies,
· aims at strengthening and developing collaboration with the CCIE network;
· facilitates access, using advanced technologies, to community initiatives and programmes, thus fostering international agreements for the promotion of Italy throughout the world.
Italian Tourism Board
· institution concerned with the promotion abroad of tourism in Italy, which seeks to disseminate information on our country’s national and regional tourism resources and, in particular, its natural, environmental, cultural, artistic and historic treasures;
· assists and offers technical services to Italian tourism enterprises attempting to penetrate foreign markets;
· drafts studies on international markets and, in particular, on individual and group tourism trends;
· analyses the evolution of foreign tourism and plans operational strategies in accordance with government and private sector leaders in Italian tourism (Ministry of Productive Activities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regional governments, public administrations, trade associations and agencies and producers of tourism services;
Agency for the Internationalisation of Businesses
· promotes and supports internationalisation, in particular of SMEs – for the most part those of Southern Italy – by means of an extensive and articulated Italian network made up of the various components of System Italy, the Chambers of Commerce, the Confcommercio and the Confagricoltura;
· drafts calls for tenders and offers to access funding from the government and prinicpal international organisations;
· organises initiatives aimed at the promotion of both sector and non-sector transnational business partnership;
· promotes foreign investments in Italy through special information initiatives illustrating the structure of the Italian entrepreneurial system and legislation in support of investments;