The General Council for Italians Abroad (CGIE) is made up of 94 members in office for 5 years. A total of 65 of these are elected to represent the communities of Italians residing abroad.
The elected members are chosen by an assembly formed for each country – or group of countries – by properly established COMITES and by associations of Italian communities, in numbers not to exceed 30% of the members of the COMITES in European countries, and 45% of transoceanic countries.
In countries where COMITES are not established, the association of Italian communities operating in loco for at least 5 years are to propose twice as many names for the list of diplomatic representatives compared to the expected number.
The remaining 29 members appointed by the government and assigned as follows:
– 10 from the national emigration associations;
– 7 from parties with parliamentary representation;
– 9 from trade unions and from the most representative charitable institutions and that are represented on the CNEL (National Council for Economy and Labour);
– 1 from the National Press Federation;
– 1 from the United Federation of the Italian press abroad;
– 1 from the most representative organisation of border labourers.