“Rebirth through beauty. The contemporary side of antiquities from the old Mesopotamic civilizations.” is the title of the exposition inaugurated on the 7th of May by the Deputy Minister of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mario Giro. This initiative will please the visitors of the Auditorium MAXXI (Rome) until the 22nd of this month and it consists in a multimedia’s itinerary ideated by Ernesto Spinelli, where you will be able to see images, videos, 3D animations that recount the history of the recovery of the precious Iraqi archeological and artistic goods that in many occasions have been in serious danger due to the terroristic actions of Daesh. This cultural exhibition witnesses the dedicated commitment of the Italian Cooperation that since 2003 has been involved, through investments and experts’ missions abroad, in the protection of the archeological and historical heritage of Iraq. Most of all, through these activities Italy has been able to convey a concept of “culture” deeply connected to those of development and hope. In this context, the mission of this cultural initiative is to render the Iraqi culture an anchor to preserve the historical identity of the country and fight against the destructive self-proclaimed Islamic State. Moreover, the collaboration between Iraqi authorities and the representatives of Italian Cooperation has contributed to the transmission of an effective know-how regarding the management of museums and artistic restoration, permitting to Iraqis to acquire knowledge and competences that will enable them to manage effectively their historical, archeological and artistic goods. In this sense, Deputy Minister Giro has underlined: “ Cooperation is not only an important tool that can contribute significantly to the development of a certain country, but it is also a way to transmit the Italian model of culture, to approach the economic crisis and to foster economic internationalization.”, which essentially means that every activity related to the recovery of archeological goods represents a true and powerful investment for the future.