All students interested in enrolling at Italian Universities and Institutes of Higher Education are invited to carefully read the new procedures published by the Ministry of University and Research for entry, stay and registration of students applying for a visa, valid for the academic year 2022-2023, and available in Italian at the following link.
Please note that, in order to start the university application procedures, applicants must access the UNIVERSITALY website and fill in the pre-registration application form for the relevant study courses. The pre-registration application can be submitted exclusively through the UNIVERSITALY website.
For Bachelor’s Degrees, Master’s Degrees (two-year or one-year-cycle) individual academic courses and courses of the Institutions for Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (Alta Formazione Artistica Musicale e Coreutica – AFAM) and the Higher Schools of Linguistic Mediation (Scuole Superiori di Mediazione Linguistica – SSML), the visa request procedure at the Embassy must be completed by 30 November 2022. Interested parties are therefore invited to submit their visa application to the Embassy as early as possible.
For University Masters, Doctorates, courses of the Schools of specialization, Italian language and culture, as well as the preparatory courses for the AFAM (foundation courses) prospective students must apply for a visa compatible with the beginning of the relevant course, which can take place at any time of the year.
All relevant information to facilitate the selection of the institution, the access of candidates to university courses and the pre-registration application can be found on the UNIVERSITALY website.
To foster the attendance of university or post-university level courses in Italy by foreign students, the Italian Government has provided funds for each of the years 2022 and 2023 in favor of the association Uni-Italia, which offers assistance to students interested in studying in Italy. Further information is available at the following link.